Now featured in the Netflix original documentary ‘Strip Down, Rise Up’

From Academy Award Nominated Filmmaker Michèle Ohayon
Airing February 5th on Netflix

Welcome, woman.

You’re now entering a portal to your most enlivened self.

As featured in the Netflix Original Documentary Strip Down, Rise Up, S Factor is a practice that brings you home to your body, awakening confidence and sensuality, through movement and community.

There are several ways you can get started in this powerful movement, from online courses and live virtual movement classes to working directly with Sheila Kelley, the creator of S Factor.

Documentary Special: The EC Mini-Course Bundle

Meet the 10 unsung heroines of your everyday and intimate life: the Erotic Creatures.

All month long you can access the Erotic Creature Mini-Course ($99) PLUS a bonus 45-minute warm up with Sheila for just $49.

Your Erotic Creature is your life force, your health and your pleasure. Isn’t it time you met her?

Sign up now to claim your access code and save on this super fun introduction to all ten of the Erotic Creatures.

Strip Down, Rise Up Netflix Documentary Coming Out February 2021

The Signature Six-Month Journey with Sheila

As featured in the Netflix Original Documentary ‘Strip Down, Rise Up’

Who is an S Woman? She no longer makes excuses or apologizes for her body, her heart or the space she takes up. She is a great defender of all women. She leads a sensual, pleasure-filled life. She radiates truth and power from her magnetic core.  

Embark on a profound 6-month journey with S Factor Creator Sheila Kelley and totally transform your life, your love, and your relationship with your body. This is an extremely rare opportunity. Class size will be limited, so make sure to the on the waitlist for our next session.

More details will follow, so sign up for updates! No experience is necessary to join. This practice is open to all ages, shapes, sizes and abilities.

There’s nothing wrong with you. You’re perfect. Everything you have is exactly what you need. Now you just need to put all the pieces together and allow yourself to create magic in your own life.

– Sheila Kelley in Strip Down, Rise Up

Strip Down, Rise Up premiering February 2021

Behind the Scenes with Sheila Kelley

Get an inside view of Sheila’s experience teaching while filming the Netflix documentary Strip Down, Rise Up.


We’re on Netflix!

Get all the details of the powerful film that brings S Factor out of the shadows and into the light, premiering February 5th, 2021.


Sheila Kelley on Filming Strip Down, Rise Up

After transforming thousands of lives in the dark intimate spaces of S, you can finally see what this practice is all about.


More About the Film

Learn more about the film and the brilliant award-winning filmmaker Michele Ohayon.


“When I first started it just felt like freedom and release.”

-Patricia Buck, S Licensed Instructor